What’s Going On???


Inquiring minds want to know– What happened on the trail out of Unalakleet this morning?

I wasn’t too worried about it actually, as the tracker was out of sorts, but when it came back, a fan called and was all kinds of excited, so I checked in myself. The tracker is back online and Pete and the Team are moving again.

At about 7am this morning, both Team Kaiser and Wade Mars’ Team stopped up the trail from Unalakleet. And they stayed stopped for about 2 hours exactly.

We won’t know for sure what happened, but trail prognosticator, Myron Angstman, seems to feel that in the area of the old cannery, it is quite a challenge and with blowing snow and such, he feels that the Teams just took a break for a bit rather than play a bad hand and get lost or tangled in the pickets of driftwood in the area. Apparently Mitch Seavey had some trouble as well in the area earlier in the evening. Winds can get super strong in several “blow holes” along the coast causing a great deal of trouble for teams.

Both Teams are back on the trail at this hour and we will get the story as soon as Pete and the Team get to Shaktoolik.

The good news is that the low pressure system that was causing the winds is deteriorating and breaking up. Koyuk is now showing 5 knot winds. That should be a pleasant break for Teams headed over the ice to Koyuk.

Go Team Kaiser!

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