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Category Archives: 2013 Bogus Creek 150
2013 Team Kaiser Bogus Creek 150 Finish
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2013 Bogus Larson-Olive 2-3
2013 Bogus 150 Winner Lewis Pavila
Officially into Bethel at 10:17 with a time 20 minutes or so faster than last year’s Champion Jen Peeks. Lewis Pavila thanked veteran musher Max Olick whose kennel sponsors his race. Max’s kennel is made up of a great many Jeff King dogs. “I’ve been dealing with Jeff King before he was a big deal,” Max told me. Congratulations to Lewis Pavila– Nice Race.
Lewis Pavilla Wins 2013 Bogus Creek 150 – Jen Places 4th
Just back from the finish line. Photos and interviews coming!
Pavilla on the Gweek – Jen Out of Akiak
Lewis Pavilla is making excellent time. He shows over 9 mph on the tracker and is now under 10 miles from the finish. This puts his expected finish ahead of my prediction. Could see a finish around 10am. I’ll keep you posted.
Jen and her Team are progressing well in 4th place just out of Akiak. Looking like a noon finish for our Bogus Team.
Saturday Morning Update- Game On
Serious… That’s the look Musher Lewis Pavilla had yesterday afternoon at the Bogus 150 Starting Line. He has won this race before and you could see it in his eyes- Game On. A year ago he came in second to our own Jen Peeks in this race and was cordial, but not happy to be second. Today it looks like the race could be his. He and his Team are holding a good lead and presently is out of Akiak bound for Kwethluk in the 2013 Bogus 150.
K300 Mushers look to be taking their mandatory Layover in Kalskag. Many including Pete and the Team are presently in that checkpoint. It had to be a brutal challenge last night as they faced the bitter wind on the trail to the North. The trail has several sections where teams face right into it. A six hour rest will recharge the teams for the rest of the race. Mushers can take their layover in three places– Kalskag going up, Aniak, or Kalskag going down. In early years it used to be a gamble and teams did take layovers in all three options, but in later years as teams have grown to do larger mileages without stopping, most get the layover out of the way. This puts them on the trail basically until Tuluksak before they need to take another layover.
10:00pm Update – Pete through Akiak – Jen through Tuluksak
GPS shows Pete through Akiak on the way to Tuluksak. We won’t see anything shake out until early tomorrow morning as teams make their way into Kalskag. Most teams will take a short break tonight in Tuluksak, feed the dogs and have some of the great Tuluksak hospitality in preparation for the trek up to the Kalskag checkpoint. With the wind and the temperatures we have right now, the section from Tuluksak to Kalskag may be the most brutal of the race.
Jen is making good progress on her way to the Bogus campsite. Rick Hanson, Luke Salzbrun, and Ron Kaiser are on their way with all of the camping gear. In the Bogus Creek 150, teams have “Pit Crews” that help out the musher in Bogus. Bogus Creek is just a place, not a village, that has been used since the race inception. This unique race truly has the “bush” flavor. This year will be a special year at Bogus with Rudy Demoski in the pack. Demoski, a veteran of one of the first Kuskokwim 300 races and veteran of mushing since before most of the other mushers were born, will surely regale the others with stories from past races.
Another item of note is that 150 Musher Casey Stockdale is running with 8 dogs from Team Kaiser. We’ll be keeping an eye on Casey as well as the race progresses.
Instructions have been given to our pit crew to get some photos- I can’t wait to see them.