Congratulations to our friend Richie Diehl for his 23rd place finish. It was a tough trail, but Richie finished with a nice looking Team and his traditional ear to ear smile. Good Job- Go Team Diehl.
After 9 days 15 hours and 44 minutes on the Trail, Team Kaiser completes the 2015 Iditarod Trail Race. Congratulations to Pete and the Team and thank YOU, the Kaiser Race Fan, for following along. Tomorrow I will get an interview with Pete about the race from Start to Finish. Go Team Kaiser!
It was an epic run. After leading Kelly Maixner for 75 miles, Pete and the Team were passed just two miles from the Finish Line. We drove out to Cape Nome and saw four lights. It got exciting in a hurry. What we were seeing was Paul Gepbhart, Kelly Maixner, Pete and the Team, and Christian Turner.
It was quite a sight. The Northern Lights were all around us as we saw Pete and the Team get passed only 3 miles from Nome.
We rushed to the Finish Line and cheered Pete and the Team across the Finish Line. Pete was tired and a bit down after the emotional roller coaster. After a quick shower it was off to bed and dreamland.
A recap is necessary after the race, but tonight, Pete and the Team are safe and sound, snuggled asleep.
Here are the photos:
Pete and the Team have been running neck and neck for 60 miles. I can’t seem to stop my finger clicking “Refresh – Refresh” on the Tracker. It is an EPIC run! No matter who wins, this is one for the ages. This is Dog Sled Racing Folks. Pedal to the Metal. GO Team Kaiser GO!
I’ll have to say this is probably the most excited I have been at a finish. It will come down to the wire and that’s where we are headed.
Wish us Luck!! Go Team Kaiser!
If you have been watching the Tracker like we have you will see that it is Neck and Neck. The four Teams of Kaiser, Maixner, Turner, and Redington have been too close to call since White Mountain. In fact the Teams are moving so well that they have been making up ground on the next Team up the trail, Paul Gebhardt.
It is very exciting here at Kaiser Central. We have been gathered around the Tracker watching and wondering. It’s been a bit tense, but still very EXCITING!
Go Team Kaiser!
Looking like a 1:30am finish, so if you are in Nome! Check it out!
We have a horse race folks! Take a look at the intervals between these mushers! It’s going to be exciting for them (and us!) on the trail to Nome. GO Team Kaiser!!
Meanwhile in Nome, Bob Madden is spoiling us with Crab Lasagne and Homemade bread. (I swear I leave with a couple of extra pounds each year!) Here are a few photos from around town:
Pete and the Team are back on the trail for Nome. There are 77 miles to go, but there are three teams vying for the 13th position. It is going to be a sprint race for the burled arches under clear skies and an absolutely beautiful day. Pete and the Team will need sunglasses for sure as the sun is just brilliant.
Word from the trail is that some parts of the trail are wind blown and drifting near Safety and the Wind is blowing from the North near the Safety Blowhole at near 30mph. This will give the young team a workout and test them a bit, but the challenge will be worth it for future races.
Weather for today is expected to be good for the balance of the Race for Pete and the Team.
Weather Outlook:
Here is the trail description from Iditarod:
This can be one of the most dangerous stretches on the race when the wind blows or a storm hits. It can make or break champions, not to mention back- of-the-packers. Mushers have nearly died within what would normally be a few hours’ easy running to Nome. In reasonable weather, this is a pleasant five- to eight-hour run; in the worst conditions, it can be impassable.
The race uses the main snowmachine trail to Nome. It is well marked at the beginning of the race, but inevitably many markers are knocked over or blown down. Some parts have been permanently marked. Markers are absolutely critical for this leg because visibility can be near zero in storms and ground blizzards.
The trail leaves White Mountain on the Fish River for about three miles, and then leaves the river to cut overland to the southwest, crossing low, rolling tundra and several streams before reaching the Klokerblok River. It runs up the river and across some low ridges, and then crosses into the drainage of the Topkok River.
The trail then turns west and climbs over a series of barren ridges to a 400-foot saddle just northwest of Topkok Head, overlooking the coast. It then descends sharply to the beach, reaching the Nome Kennel Club shelter cabin at the foot of the hill, 30 miles from White Mountain.
For the next 12 miles the trail runs along or just behind the dune line and the “driftwood line” on the shore. This stretch is wide open and is subject to winds of more than 80 miles an hour from the north, as well as blinding whiteouts. The trail will join the Nome-to-Council road (not plowed in the winter) at the Bonanza Ferry bridge and then follow it for the last 12 miles to Safety.
Trail conditions on this leg can range from excellent to abysmal, and usually include glare ice, overflow, drifted snow, bare tundra, sand, and exposed gravel on the road. You MUST check the weather carefully before leaving White Mountain; you may want to wait it out, stop at a shelter cabin, or at least convoy with another musher (preferably someone who has run this stretch before).
One consideration is that the wind will most likely die down right after sunrise (if it’s going to die down at all), but will probably come back up by noon and continue to blow through the afternoon and evening. In such situations, it is best to ask the locals at White Mountain or call race headquarters in Nome. All other things being equal, try to leave White Mountain about three hours before sunrise, so as to be heading up Topkok to catch any lull in the wind plus have daylight for the worst part of the run.