Off for Kaltag – The Cold is Old, but the End is in Sight!

Yukon River before Nulato

Yukon River before Nulato – Bike Rider in earlier year.

After a 4 hour break in Koyukuk, Pete and the Team are back on the trail. He was out at 10:42 with 12 dogs. Starting with 16, he dropped 1 in Tanana, 1 in Huslia, and 2 in Koyukuk. He has also dropped the “caboose” that he had used up until at least Galena.

I am expecting Pete to head out for Kaltag before taking a break in advance of the run over the portage to Unalakleet. This means a quick signin at Nulato and back on the trail.

It is 22 mile to Nulato and then 47 miles to Kaltag. From here on out, the Iditarod will be on a traditional Northern route trail. This will be Pete’s 3rd run on this trail and he has a good idea what it takes to make it to Nome from here. The leading teams have made the run from Koyukuk to Kaltag in about 7 hours.

This year’s Kuskokwim 300 made a new rule change that limited the Team size to 12 dogs.  Pete is 393 miles from Nome and the finish line, so 12 dogs is not anything to even think about at this point. You would think that being down 25% from the Starting Team size would be a big deal, but it actually allows Pete and the Team to make better time on the trail as well as once in a checkpoint or on a break, it is way faster to feed and care for the Team. I’ll have to admit I wasn’t a fan of the new K300 rule, but it did pay out dividends to Pete and the Team– He won that race in fine fashion!

Weather tonight is going to be dark and cold. The moon is near gone and temperatures, though warming, are well below zero. It’s not going to be pleasant for anyone tonight and I would imagine that Mushers are getting a bit tired from the cold. Miles and miles at severe cold can be detrimental to the mood. But Tomorrow they head for the coast, and that means the end is near. It will feel downright balmy by the time they reach Unalakleet.

Go Team Kaiser!!

Kaltag currently- Temperature -23F – Calm Winds – Clear Skies.

Forecast for tonight-

217 PM AKDT SAT MAR 14 2015

10 MPH.
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