A Look Back at Yesterday – Restart Photos!


Wow- Yesterday was quite something! The Mushers on the Trail didn’t have the luxury of a restful night before the restart as they often do on a Willow restart. The Start time was at 10:00am instead of 2:00pm, and for those that booked a room at the Pikes Landing, it was an early morning wake-up.

I got up at 5:30am and went out only to meet Pete and his Dad, Ron, already going. Considering I left them doing last minute stuff at 11pm, Pete couldn’t have gotten much sleep. You would never notice it though, as he was busy organizing and getting ready to go.

We all drove over to the staging area at Zero Dark Thirty (6:30am) and waited patiently for our turn to go. It was a bit crowded with all of the Teams and herds and herds of tourists. Here are the photos from the Morning:

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