As long as We’re here… Let’s do the Kobuk 440!

Update on Pete: He’s in Kotzebue with plans to race the Kobuk 440 starting on April 8. He thought his team looked very strong at the end of the Iditarod and thinks they’re in good condition to race some more. Being in Nome already, so close to Kotzebue, also factored into his decision.

It’s a long wait for race day, but he has good places to stay. Right now he’s with Ed Iten at their homestead 20 miles outside of Kotzebue. Closer to race start, he’ll stay with Mark and Marcy Fairbanks in Kotzebue. Mark is a relative of Grant Fairbanks and Marcy is John Baker’s sister. Pete stayed with them last year during the 440 and they invited him and his team back again. Pete’s racing season will end with the 440 and he’ll return home about April 15.

An interesting note: his dogs are bedded down in straw at Ed’s and Ed’s free-ranging Icelandic horses have been showing up at night to eat the dog’s bedding. Last night he stayed up to shoo the horses away!