It’s those darn pies… Taking the 24 in Takotna.

Takotna Pies

Takotna Pies

The lure of the trail hampered by the aroma of freshly baked pies…

Pete was so confident in his 24 location that he sent extra drop bags to Ophir and Cripple in anticipation of doing his 24 hour mandatory layover in one of those locations. The problem with strategizing a month in advance, because you have to make those plans in February, is that you never know how the trail will play out for you and your Team. In this case, Pete and the Team are camping out where the food is good, (Steaks, Pies, basically anything a musher wants) and the company is better (Richie Diehl joined him in Takotna last night as well).

As Teams marched by through the night, it had to be a bit stressful wondering if this was the best move, but the one thing about Pete is he considers every option before making his move. After three days of short breaks, the rest might be taking its toll on Pete himself, so this 24 hours off will be truly a recharge for Pete and the Team!

Sue Gamache sent us some photos of last nights action in McGrath and here’s a video as well. Team looks real nice.

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