Iditarod 23- Big News from White Mountain!!

Big news from White Mountain! It looks like Ryan Redington is going to spend a couple of extra hours in the checkpoint.
Pete was into White Mountain at 20:29 just 8 minutes before Richie at 20:37.
According to Bruce Lee in White Mountain, Pete took the extra time in Elim readying for just this scenario. Both Teams had been pushing hard pretty much from Kaltag. Pete is looking at scenarios as is Richie, where if the leader falters, they are right there, ready to pounce.
This is something that I haven’t seen before. The leader not leaving a checkpoint to gain added rest because the Team has enough lead in the mandatory checkpoint to leave pretty much any time. For all intents and purposes, Ryan can take 3 hours more rest and still have a hour lead on Pete and Richie.
Wow! What an amazing twist to this race! Just like I’ve been saying– Anything can happen and generally does!!
Go Team Kaiser!!

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