Northbound for Shaktoolik

Team Kaiser is on the move Northbound. It appears that they must have left about an hour ago as they are about 8 miles north of Unalakleet. He is still traveling with Lesatz. 219 miles to the Finish!

Shaktoolik is 42 miles up the trail. Trail images coming.

Calling all Team Kaiser Members!! Do you have someone that could take photos in this section of the trail?? Have them send the photos to! thanks


Pete’s Official Unalakleet IN Time

I was right. Pete and fellow Musher Thomas Lesatz were traveling together.  Pete arrived in Unalakleet 10 minutes before Lesatz at 13:47 with 11 Dogs. I would guess that he will rest here and then continue to Shaktoolik.

Paul Ivanoff is going to try to get some photos for us from the Unalakleet checkpoint.

In other news, Lance Mackey is In and Out of Elim! Going for a record?


Possibly on the Move

Pete was out of Kaltag right before Musher Lesatz. Pete’s GPS was problematic last evening, so I don’t trust it.

Lesatz is on the move and I have a feeling so is Pete. I am just speculating, but I have a feeling he is about 10-15 miles from Unalakleet.


Day 9- Morning Update- On the Trail to Unalakleet

Pete’s Tracker isn’t working at this point. It last updated over 5 hours ago.

The Kaiser Team left Kaltag at 8:11pm last light closely followed by another musher Thomas Lesatz at 8:12pm. Lesatz GPS is working and shows him at the Old Woman cabin, a BLM public use cabin on the trail about 37 miles from Unalakleet.(I looked up the coordinates and Lesatz location matches exactly)

If Pete is following his rest/run schedule, he could be resting there as well. If he left at 8:12pm and made the run to Old Woman in 5 or 6 hours, he would have gotten into the rest stop at about 2:30 for a 4 or 5 hour rest. So that would put him into Unalakleet by mid morning or lunch time.

Now this is just speculation because the darn GPS isn’t reporting…..

Mike Williams Jr. on the other hand made the trip in just under 12 hours. Mike Jr. has been posting a bit faster times over the course of the race and is his trip to Unalakleet was one of the faster times of all of the mushers on that section.

I will keep you posted.

At the front of the pack, Lance Mackey has widened his lead, so maybe it isn’t going to be as close as I thought, but it is NOT over yet to be sure! The race has been lost more than once far later in the race!!

Old Woman Cabin
