Pete’s Winning Time Contest

Apparently at the Fundraiser, there was a contest to guess the winning Time. Following are the Guesses. Martin Buser arrived across the line this morning at 6:30am with a time of  9 Days 15 Hours 33 Minutes 58 Seconds.

If Pete Arrives tomorrow in similar time, It will be 10 Days 15 Hours etc…

Here are the guesses:

Name Days Hours Min Seconds
Wednesday March 17 is Day 10
Jeff Harris 10 2 1 15
Ann Glasheen 10 2 10 56
John White 10 6 5 2
Darren Lieb 10 6 33 33
Mike Hoffman 10 8 23 23
Kevin Morgan 10 10 10 10
Tracy Faulkner 10 10 10 10
Tomas Israelsson 10 14 15 20
Lauren Berdow 10 15 45 2
Tomas Israelsson 10 16 15 20
John White 10 18 30 44
Thursday March 18 is Day 11
Sherry Smith 11 6 46 5
Sean Denning Barnes 11 8 12 1
Lauren Berdow 11 8 35 1
Fern Faulkner 11 8 27 15
Richard Taylor 11 10 23 10
Amanda Barker 11 11 11 11
Chris Bach 11 12 13 14
illegible name 11 18 32 46
Jasmine Polk 11 23 5 43
Friday March 19 is Day 12
Sherry Smith 12 3 6 27
Lisa Whalen 12 3 24 59
Darrell Garrison 12 7 7 7
Shane Iverson 12 7 20
Dena Drake 12 7 32 15
Chris Pike 12 8 25
Anita Geerdts 12 9 10 20
Roxanne Sattler 12 9 23 31
Jasmine Polk 12 12 12 12
Jasmine Polk 12 13 20 25
Jim Potter 12 15 45 20
Andrew Simmons 12 16 22 31
Francesca 12 18 3 53
Saturday March 20 is Day 13
Bach’s donna chris dude 13 2 15 59
Jasmine Polk 13 2 31 43
Jill Hoffman 13 6 10 33
Shane Iverson 13 8 20
Angel Harris 13 10 10 10
Mitch Cullou 13 10 12 43
Prize will be given upon Janet Kaiser’s return to Bethel from Nome. Thank you!

Kaiser Team UNLEASHED!!

Go Baby Go!!

Team Kaiser seems to have unleashed the fury!

If you have the tracker, it is all playing out right now.

Pete has passed Lesatz (62) and is coming up on Sousa(48). Who knows how accurate it is, but it all shows current updates and Lat/Long matches up. Pete and the Team are clearly the faster team in the stats. Time to go solo young Man!



Why 30th??

Why the race for 30? Iditarod pays 30 places. If Pete can get ahead of Lesatz, he’ll get one of the $1049 checks that are paid to the Top 30 mushers. GO PETE GO!!!

In other news Mike Williams Jr. is doing an amazing job in his Rookie performance. He is on his 8 hour layover in White Mountain. He is 4 hours behind the first Rookie, Laduce. The 2010 Iditarod Rookie class is big and very qualified with 3 Rookies solid in the top 30 and hopefully Pete and his Team will fill out the 4th spot.

The Kaiser Krew is on hand to help the Williams clan welcome Mike Jr. into Nome.


While Lance Mackey’s record fourth consecutive victory commanded most of the attention, several other Iditarod stories were playing out along the 1,000-mile trail to Nome.


Before the race, many race fans considered this year’s rookie class one of the strongest. By Tuesday night, Dan Kaduce of Chatanika was headed for rookie-of-the-year honors, holding 23rd place on Tuesday. Kaduce, the husband of middle-distance racer Jodi Bailey, has four top-10 finishes in the Yukon Quest. Two or three others could make the top-30 paying positions: Mike Williams Jr. of Akiak was running 25th; Michelle Phillips of Tagish in the Yukon, who has five top-eight Quest finishes on her resume, was 29th; 22-year-old Peter Kaiser of Bethel, sixth in last year’s Kuskokwim 300, was running 30st and William “Middy” Johnson, the Unalakleet mayor, was 33rd. Not since 2004, when Hugh Neff of Tok led the rookie class, have more than three first-timers found their way into the top-30.


Day 10- Onward to the Finish!!

They are neck and neck on the trail to White Mountain! Pete and the Team were out of Elim this morning at 04:08am with 11 dogs. He left a minute behind Thomas Lesatz.

Presently they are about halfway or 21 miles to White Mountain and an 8 hour layover. Weather is absolutely perfect for mushing,  actually maybe a bit warm, but no wind and nice and cool.

The Kaiser Klan is headed to Nome today and Several other Notable supporters (Rick and Kathy Hanson) are also in or going to be in Nome shortly, so upon the finish, there is sure to be a grand Finish Line cheering section. (Wish I were there, but we’ll bring what we can to the web as it happens!!)

To give you an idea of Nome arrival time:

Martin Buser left Elim yesterday morning at about the same time that Pete and the Team left this morning. He arrived in Nome at 06:33am this morning. If Pete makes similar progress, I would expect him into Nome between 5am and 9am tomorrow. (After yesterday’s Mackey surprise, I am going wide with prediction times!!!!)

Current Weather-

Updated: 17 min 15 sec ago
Clear     -0 °F
Windchill:     -19 °F
Humidity:     50%
Dew Point:     -15 °F
Wind:     14 mph from the WNW
Wind Gust:     0.0 mph
Pressure:     30.34 in (Rising)
Visibility:     10.0 miles


Elim to White Mountain

Weather Forecast:

Updated: 10:20 PM AKDT on March 16, 2010
Clear     16 °F
Windchill:     6 °F
Humidity:     52%
Dew Point:     1 °F
Wind:     7 mph from the North
Wind Gust:     0.0 mph
Pressure:     30.30 in (Rising)
Visibility:     10.0 miles

Elim to Golovin (Not an official checkpoint)

by Donald Bowers, Jr.

Quick Overview

This is one of the more interesting legs on the race, with quite a variety of trail and terrain in a very short distance. Moreover, there is always a possibility of two extremely different routes for the first ten miles. The race follows the main snowmachine “highway” from Elim to Golovin and it is usually well marked and packed.

The trail usually heads back out on the sea ice from Elim and runs a mile or two offshore to a cabin at Walla Walla, on the coast eight miles south of Elim. In some years, when there is open water just off shore, the traill will stay overland on the Old Elim Mail Trail.

At Walla Walla, the trail rurns inland and climbs over the Kwiktalik Mountains with a series of long, moderately hard grades. The final summit is 1,000 feet at Little McKinley, about eight miles past Walla Walla and ten miles from Golovin. This is considered the hardest climb on the last half of the race.

The trail then makes a fast descent to Golovin Bay, running northwest along the bay ice for the last five miles to Golovin.

Golovin to White Mountain

by Donald Bowers, Jr.

Quick Overview

This is normally a yawner (unless the wind is blowing or it’s snowing). The trail follows the main snowmachine route, running straight as an arrow for ten miles across Golovnin Lagoon, then winding gently around (with some gentle ups and downs) to cross the delta of the Fish River. The last few miles are on the river. There is sometimes overflow on the lagoon or river. Plan on two hours for the trip, perhaps three if the wind is blowing.

Elim to Golovin Trail

Lance Mackey Passes Golovin in 2009

White Mountain
