Into Yentna

Pete made it to Yentna at 8:15pm. His time over the stretch was 4 hours 5 minutes at an average of right at 11mph.

The Willow to Yentna stretch is 52 Miles. (About the same as the Bethel to Tuluksak Run on the Kuskokwim 300)

Next Checkpoint is Skwentna- 34 Miles.
After that will be Finger Lake (45 Miles) and Rainy Pass (30 Miles). 109 miles for the next stretch for tonight.

At his Average speed of about 11mph which may slow a bit, I anticipate him into Rainy Pass around lunch tomorrow.
(Just in time for a burger???) In any case Luck to Peter for the evening and safe travels. Weather looks just beautiful for a night run. 14 degrees and clear visibility with light winds.

It looks like he is taking a little break at Yentna. Give the dogs a bit of a snack and get one himself. Onward Mr. Kaiser!

Trail Descriptions-
Yentna to Skwentna
Skwentna to Finger Lake
Finger Lake to Rainy Pass

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