NS450 – Into Shaktoolik – Halfway to Nome!

Shaktoolik at Sunrise Looking North

Shaktoolik at Sunrise

Shaktoolik is 220 miles into the 450 mile race. Pete was gaining on Dee Dee Jonrowe headed across the flats into the coastal checkpoint. Weather is a bit breezy and cold. I expect a short break here before heading onto the ice. After leaving this point in the race last year Pete, leading the race, was cutoff by open water and ice as big as houses. A GCI commercial later in the year highlighted the events of the night. Not knowing what to do, Pete called his Dad Ron in Bethel with his Cell phone. Ron called the Race organizers who then sent snowmachines to guide the mushers around the open water. Pete had a substantial lead at the time, but it was erased as all the mushers caught him to then wait as well.

We won’t see that this year as there is no open water to report at this time. I expect he will burn a little time here to keep everyone within striking distance, but to also have a fresh team as they head north against the wind and into the dark. This seems to be Pete’s area for stories– Last year in the Iditarod he passed Mitch Seavey’s team while fast asleep on the back of the runners. He had been following Mitch for some time and then he was gone. When he looked around, he found Mitch behind him. The Team had just done their job and headed for the checkpoint, leaving Pete to dream the night away 🙂

We’ll have an update for you in the morning. Expecting an early morning checkin at Koyuk.

Go Team Kaiser!

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