Iditarod 2024 – Pete Kaiser into Unalakleet

Pete and the Team are into Unalakleet at 6:08pm and as expected are going to take a break here before continuing North to Shaktoolik and Koyuk. Pete made quick work of putting straw down for the Team, but not before signing a few autographs and shaking hands with friends and fans. Pete has Celebrity Status in Unalakleet as fans have seen him over the last 15 years as well as winning the Paul Johnson Memorial and of course his Iditarod win in 2019. A crowd of fans was immediately there to see him and give encouraging words. Aspiaq! (Yup’ik word for “AWESOME”) is the only way to put it 🙂

Pete is running a conservative plan at this point in the race with low temps, winds, and a very long tough run that will take him and the Team North to Shaktoolik and then out across the ice towards Koyuk. It’s going to be a long night and a good plan is to build up rest for the coming trek.

Four Teams have left Unalakleet with six remaining in Unalakleet. As John Baker, Iditarod Champion from Kotzebue put it one time, though, “You don’t want Pete Kaiser chasing you up the coast!” We’ll see if that’s the case, but Team Kaiser has roots from the area and is used to the wind and temperatures that this night will bring.

It’s going to be an exciting evening!

Go Team Kaiser!!

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