Team Kaiser into Nikolai!

Good Morning Race Fans!! So much is happening and I am so excited with our connection with Richie this year! I am learning so much and it is AWESOME!!

Pete and the Team arrived into Nikolai this morning at 10:26 with 15 dogs. The Team looked awesome, but barking and excited, but Richie was more impressed by how nice they looked out on the river. The word he use was “fluent” – all pulling consistently. Really nice to see after this first 200 tough trail miles.

Pete got to work right away taking care of the Team for most likely a 4 hour break.

Weather this morning is really nice for humans, but maybe a little warm for the Team. The trail is a little soft and temps are in the mid 20’s at this hour. A good break in the “heat” of the day will be a good opportunity for rest.

Believe it or not, just around the corner is Takotna and possibly a 24 hour break. Takotna is only 66 miles down the trail, so we’ll see how long Pete actually decides to break.

Richie related in our conversation this morning how nice the Nikolai checkpoint is for mushers. Dryers and power and a nice room to nap are welcome amenities for Mushers. Pete and Richie are always treated like royalty as all people living on the mighty Kuskokwim have a connection in some way.

Hard to believe this is the 15th run, but such a fun time of the year!

GO Team Kaiser!!

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