Weather Tangling the Race

Pete and the Team were into Grayling this afternoon at 14:43 in 4th position. They started their mandatory 8 hour break which will allow them to leave this evening.

But like a bear in the middle of a dogteam, the weather has tangled up the race supplies and mushers are looking again at minimal provisions in Eagle Island. Apparently the supplies were held up in Unalakleet by weather and were just this afternoon delivered to Kaltag. An armada of snowmachines is sledding the supplies to the checkpoint 60 miles from Kaltag and 60 miles from Grayling.

Mushers first heard of the challenges to race plans early this morning in Shageluk and Anvik.

Nic Petit started his 8 hour layover at 11:48 and can return to the trail at 7:48 this evening. The trail is apparently wet snow with the added danger of overflow. In the Bethel area overflow is caused when the tide of the ocean comes in and the ice rises slower so it will pool up on the edges of the river. Going through it is like driving through a mud puddle or small pond sometimes. On the Yukon, however, overflow is a different, more dangerous condition. The Yukon generally has quite a bit more snow than the coastal areas. Snow built up over the river ice will fill with rain water and drainage from the streams and lie under the snow. Teams can fall into the snow and it becomes like mashed potatoes. It is a messy condition that is wet and slow and tough to travel.

Joar hasn’t left at this hour and you have to wonder if he is taking an extra bit of rest to contend with this next section of the race. No one will be anxious to be the trailbreaker for sure.

Teams will be arriving that have already taken their mandatory layovers in Shageluk shortly. Richie Diehl, Ryan Redington, and Matt Failor will more than likely take a rest as well in Grayling. They will have the added advantage of short resting just a few minutes to leave with the second group.

Pete and Team Kaiser can leave at 10:43pm this evening. By that time we should have seen Teams leave on the trail North and should know how the trail is by looking at trail speed.

It’s been a bit of a dramatic day with the news of the supplies at Eagle Island. Who knows what would have happened if the planes didn’t fly. Emerie Fairbanks and some Aniak folks are in Grayling, so we should have a trail report soon.

GO Team Kaiser!

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