Iditarod 23- 16-16-16 into Kaltag

Good Afternoon Team Kaiser!

Action in the Kaltag checkpoint is just underway as Ryan Redington led Richie Diehl and Pete Kaiser into the last checkpoint on the Yukon River for 2023!

Each Team is 16 minutes apart on the leader board with Ryan holding a 16 minute lead on Richie and a 32 minute lead on Pete and the Team.

A 4 hour break here will have them leaving around dinner time tonight. Pete and Richie in later years have made the next trail direct to Shaktoolik in two runs camping out about halfway between with a quick sign in and out in Unalakleet. In earlier years, Pete would take a break in Unalakleet, but this later strategy has worked well for him and I expect it again this year.

Momma Kaiser Bethany is reporting possible issues on the sea ice on the run to Koyuk as well as Golovin Bay. I don’t have a confirmation on that, but if so, it will add a few miles to the trip to Koyuk and White Mountain. I’ll keep you posted once I confirm the details.

Pete and the Team looked great coming into Kaltag as did the other two Teams, so this is going to be an exciting evening seeing how it all shakes out on the 125 mile run to Shaktoolik. In 2019 Pete made the run in 21 hours, but in 2017, on a fast trail such as this, Mitch Seavey made the run in 16hrs 20 minutes.

Weather is still outstanding. Currently it is 7 above with a light Northeast wind. Unalakleet is showing 10 degrees as well. Both are clear as a bell, so tonight’s ride should be another stargazer’s joy!

All three mushers look a little tired. They are walking a little slower as they go through the motions of dog care after a long run through the night. A bit of rest will be a welcome respite before the trek to the Bering Sea Coat as they count down miles to the burled arches in Nome.

Soon the checkpoint will be filling with the next group of Teams that are hot on the heels of these leaders. Kaltag is going become the hub of Iditarod activity shortly. Local kids and grownups love to see the Teams as they go through town. It’s one of the fun times of the year for all checkpoints to see the influx of activity and cheer on their favorite Teams. I’m sure they have great stories to tell after all of the years of the Iditarod. Some villages only see Teams every other year, but Kaltag and the others are always on the trail schedule.

Currently, Chef Pete is working the dogfood kitchen to make 11 dinner meals before taking a rest himself. Being a musher is just like running a small business yourself. Always wearing different hats– Chief cook and bottle washer, Team leader, navigator, and of course head caregiver!

Thanks for following along!

Go Team Kaiser!!

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