Memorable Night on the Kuskokwim

After a quick break to grab a few bags of food, Pete and the Team were on the Trail to Takotna. A memorable night to be sure for Pete and the Team as they made their way into McGrath during an eclipse of the setting sun on this 3rd evening of the 2016 Iditarod.

Sebastianne Schnuelle reported on Pete and the Team into McGrath- “Watching his team cross the river was a sight of beauty. Keeping them stopped in the checkpoint was quite difficult with the low snow and because they were screaming to go. I wish my pictures would have audio.”

Earlier I reported that I was thinking he might make his way to Cripple, but after seeing him grab a few bags, he might have other plans. We will see how this plays out in the next couple of hours. (You know Pete can’t resist those Pies!)

In any case, it is really shaping up to be a great race for Pete and the Team. They are resting and putting in good trail times and staying within the lead group. You can’t ask for more than that.

It is notable that Pete’s McGrath time is an hour earlier than Dallas Seavey’s record win in 2014. This means that 9 Teams are on record pace.

In a few short moments we will see what Pete is up to in terms of strategy as he makes his way into Takotna.

Go Team Kaiser!



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