Iditarod Rookie Meeting 2010


12/05/09 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA– The 2010 Iditarod rookies were in Anchorage, Alaska this weekend attending a mandatory meeting for first time Iditarod mushers. Twenty three “Cheechakos” have signed up to race the 2010 Iditarod, which begins March 6 in downtown Anchorage. The rookie meeting is designed to help ease some of the anxiety typically associated with a race this size.The first day, seasoned mushers like DeeDee Jonrowe and Lance Mackey share their experiences and what works for them. Ways to organize your gear, what style sled runners work, how many do you go thorugh in a race, how to properly pack your sled so you are not wasting time dumping it out onto the snow looking for one item. Packing only what you need. Offering suggestions on what to send out to each check point and why with emphasis on the importance of making a race plan and allowing room for unexpected circumstances such as sick dogs or bad weather. Day two rookies head out to the kennel of Iditarod musher, Martin Buser, to get some hands on training. Martin will talk to the rookies about what to put in their drop bags, strategies on running, resting and feeding their dogs in a marathon race like the Iditarod. The entire weekend is open for questions and learning from those that have been there done that.

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