Shaktoolik Enroute Update

Shaktoolik Looking Southeast Standings page doesn’t have Pete and the Team out of Unalakleet although we can see them on the tracker. Unfortunately we don’t have an out time for Pete and the Team at this time. I wish it were updated so we could have his official OUT time and how many dogs he has in harness.

Mike Williams Jr. is now resting in Unalakleet. He arrived into the checkpoint at 18:07 with 13 dogs.

Ramey Smyth is now on the trail north as well.

Dallas Seavey was the first Team into the Shaktoolik checkpoint around 6:40pm followed by 7:00pm.

More soon!

Jeff King Scratches

From Iditarod

Nome, Alaska – Sunday, March 11, 2012 – Race Marshal, Mark Nordman has been notified in Unalakleet that Jeff King (Bib# 10) has scratched from this year’s event at 16:38 Alaska Time.  King had 13 dogs in his team when he made the decision.

Redington Out of UNK at 5:40

Ray Redington Jr. is out of UNK. As the front runners head north they are surely thinking about Jake Berkowitz and wishing him well. It is that “Luck” thing that you never can tell what twist it will bring to Iditarod mushing.

Pete and the Team left Unalakleet at about 5:00pm, giving him just a small buffer between the teams. Last year Pete left Unalakleet at 11:30pm for the 40 mile journey and arrived in Shaktoolik at around 5:ooam for a Trail Time last of 5 hours 30 minutes. That would put Pete and the Team into Shaktoolik about 10:30pm this evening.

The trail conditions, including the bitter cold, seem to be slowing teams though and Dallas Seavey is not yet to Shaktoolik giving him over a 6 hour run on the trail.

It will really be interesting to watch Pete and Ray move forward on the front runners right now. It is not outlandish that they may advance into the top teams over this night. A 1 mph advantage over many hours will bring them into the mix of the top 5 teams.

So another night of gluing ourselves to the tracker! Looks like a Tuesday finish though!


Pete is on the Move – Onward to Shaktoolik

Looking North from Unalakleet Airport into the Hills and the Trail.

GPS shows Pete and the Team on the Move out of Unalakleet. After a 5 hour break, they head north into the wind and away from the sun.

He is currently in 6th position. Ray Redington Jr. doesn’t appear to be moving yet, but should be right behind him.

Current weather headed north is -27F with light north winds. Problem is that ANY winds when it is that cold plus the 9 mph that they will be moving will make for a pretty chilly run.

Good Luck Pete!