What a GREAT Dog Team! Into UNK

After 85 miles on the trail, moving at 9 miles and hour into Unalakleet is truly a mark of a Great Dog Team!

Pete and the Team are arriving into Unalakleet as I type this, and at a bit after 12pm, that puts their time up with the best (Again!)

They have made up a great deal of time on the leaders over the last 100 miles and as Team Kaiser moves into Unalakleet, it will be the first time in many hundreds of miles where they were in a checkpoint with the Lead Group.

Anticipate a bit of a longer rest here. I would think at least 5-6 hours after the direct run.

Go Team Kaiser! What a run!!

A New Race Image Materializes

Within the next hour or so, the entire story of the 2012 race is going to evolve as the portage takes its toll on the mushers. Aliy Zirkle saw her lead vanish to 50 minutes, Mitch Seavey and Jeff King have slowed dramatically, and the “Three Musketeers” have steadily moved forward.

Aaron Burmeister is himself sick, though his dogs look great. Dallas Seavey seems to be the horse to watch at this point, but we are still so far from the Finish, that it is really tough to say. In a matter of 100 miles the race image is quite different. Another 100 miles, maybe another image? Quite possible.

Pete and the Team are now about 12 miles from Unalakleet. Jeff King is stopped on the trail and the Tracker showed Mitch Seavey slow as he passed him. This will be a big story for the news organizations.

One editorial comment on those organizations– They are notoriously wrong and have absolutely no loyalty! In the last 24 hours I have seen headlines such as “A Dynasty Tumbles” in reference to Lance Mackey. “First Woman to Win Iditarod” for Zirkle. Bothersome, but also part of the game. As for us, we’ll just keep it real and report what we see.

Anyone in Unalakleet? Head on down to the checkpoint or better yet onto the trail if you can to see the three mushers go by. I’d love to see them in one photo. Thanks in Advance!!

Go Team Kaiser!

ADN.com – The Battle for Top Ten

From ADN.com-

SUNDAY, 2 a.m. — John Baker, Mitch Seavey and Aaron Burmeister sliced about an hour off Aliy Zirkle’s lead Saturday night as the lead pack left the Yukon River and headed to Unalakleet.

But as the Iditarod enters its second week, the battle for the top 10 is as fierce as the battle for first place, and more unpredictable.

Say hello to seventh-place Ken Anderson and eighth-place Michelle Phillips, who jumped into the top 10 late Saturday when they motored through Kaltag after brief stays.

And say whoa to Ray Redington Jr., Pete Kaiser and Jake Berkowitz, who left Kaltag together a little more than an hour after Anderson and Phillips, but with the benefit of more than four hours of rest.

Of the first 11 mushers into Kaltag, Redington registered the fastest time from Nulato, 4 hours, 16 minutes. The next two fastest times belonged to Kaiser (4:20) and Berkowitz (4:25).

Those three — dubbed the Three Musketeers by Sebastian Schnuelle — were roughly 30 minutes faster than any of the teams ahead of them, with the exception of fifth-place Dallas Seavey (4:24).

Zirkle reached Kaltag shortly before noon Saturday, three hours before anyone else. She left at 4:55 p.m.

Baker, Mitch Seavey and Burmeister spent less time at the checkpoint and thereby took more than an hour off Zirkle’s lead. They left at 6:30 p.m., 6:39 p.m. and 6:52 p.m., respectively.

Next to leave were Dallas Seavey (7:37 p.m.) and Jeff King (8:57).

After them were Anderson (10:40 departure, after a 12-minute stay) and Phillips (10:59 p.m., after a 19-minute stay).

Redington, Kaiser and Berkowitz all left at 12:13 a.m.

Not far behind were three veterans — DeeDee Jonrowe (1:05 a.m.), Sonny Lindner (1:15 a.m.) and Ramey Smyth (1:44 a.m.).

Read more here: http://community.adn.com/adn/node/160266#storylink=cpy



Baby it’s Cold Out There!

Sunday Morning Cam

Current Unalakleet Weather is surprisingly cold!

Present conditions are -31F. It is nice and clear and dead calm, but that is pretty brisk! Forecast is for 4 above, but that is probably after the sun rises.

Today’s Forecast for the area:

321 AM AKDT SUN MAR 11 2012



Day 7 – The Bering Sea

Good Morning Race Fans! GPS Shows Pete and the Team 28 miles from Unalakleet. Pete is still traveling with Mushers Berkowitz and Redingtonm, but is following. All three mushers have almost identical times, and still faster than anyone out there.
Looking at the time from Aliy Zirkle and OUT times of the lead pack, it is apparent that this year’s portage trail is a bit slower than last year. Last year Pete and the Team made the 85 mile stretch in 9 hours and 35 minutes.
Aliy’s time is over 13 hours and the top 5 haven’t all made it to Unalakleet which will put their times over 12 hours as well. Pete is currently in 9th position on the trail, but I see several teams stopped and it will be interesting to see if the group of 3 take a break this close to Unalakleet or push through. I say that because Jeff King was stopped about 20 miles out for a bit.
The gamble of Anderson and Phillips didn’t pay out and they are stopped along the trail.

If Pete and his group don’t stop, this will put them in striking distance of the leaders, but it is still early and there are a bunch of variables. Welcome to another exciting day of mushing, albeit rather early from the time change (love the light, don’t like losing the hour of sleep)

Onward to the Bering Sea

After a 4 hour break, the “Three Musketeers” head out on the trail, bound for Unalakleet. Pete and the Team is once again joined by Jake Berkowitz and Ray Redington. See ya in the morning- and “Spring” those clocks forward.