We’ve Been Here Before!

Out of Nulato!

Pete and the Team spend a little over 4 hours in Nulato and are back on the trail to an 8 hour layover in Kaltag. Pete is staying close to Thomas Waerner who must be thinking,”What is this guy doing? I’ve already taken my 8 hour, so he’s behind, right?”

Pete knows that the trail over the portage to Unalakleet is a hard one and many Teams are going to take hours of breaks if not in Kaltag, but along the trail to Unalakleet. So it’s to Team Kaiser’s advantage to take his 8 hour break as far down the trail as possible to have a fresh Team before the last overland trail to the coast. Pete must take 8 hours, but Waerner is going to have to take time as well as will many of the other Teams. Jessie Royer, Brent Sass, and Pete are all very experienced Iditarod mushers and it’s these little details that add up over this last section of the race.

With these trail conditions expect a close to 6 hours for the run into Kaltag

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