Neck and Neck into Nulato!

Kids watching the River in Allakakat, but easily could be Koyukuk as Well - Go Team Kaiser!

What a race! Pete and the Team have been running neck and neck with Ray Redington and Jake Berkowitz teams for the last 40 miles (Galena). It probably isn’t as exciting as it seems on the tracker, but to have 3 teams just steady together for that many miles really isn’t common. They have been steadily moving up on Dee Dee Jonrowe’s Team as they approach the checkpoint of Nulato.

On their trip from Galena they passed right by the village of Koyukuk which has front row seats to the action, but is not an official checkpoint. The village of Koyukuk is on the mouth of the Koyukon River and the Koyukon valley. This magical area regards the relationship between land, man, and animal in a special way that puts all on an even footing. I mention this because the word “Luck” has special meaning to this area. It isn’t just a word, it is the manner that allows you to be successful. The villages of Huslia, Koyukuk, Allakaket, and Hughes are on the Koyukon River.

Let’s hope that Pete and the Team got a bit of that special “Luck” as they mushed by this morning!

Go Team Kaiser!

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