From Nulato – Team Kaiser is Raring to Run!

Nulato sees a blast of mushers midday
Sebastian Schnuelle Blog –

Posted: March 10, 2012 – 8:06 am

Wow – Nulato is the place to be right now. Teams are piling in on top of each other. Ray Redington, Jake Berkowitz and Peter Kaiser had smoking runs into here. They picked up a bunch of teams. All three of them had a hard time stopping coming into the checkpoint, Ray running by Jake’s Team, just for Jake then to pull ahead of Ray again. Dogs are leaping in the air, screaming to go, frothing with desire. THIS is what racing is all about. DeeDee’s team also looked nice and the checkpoint swelled from no team to 4 teams in 5 minutes. More are piling in as we speak. The 3 musketeers , as I would call Jake, Ray and Pete are on a roll. They made more than 1 hour on most of the other teams which came here earlier. With trail conditions being about the same for all teams, it clearly shows that these 3 have a bit more gas in the tank. I just talked to Jake about his plan, and of course I can not repeat it here…., but I can say as much, that I LIKE it. Those guys ahead better start looking over their shoulder. Jeff and Dallas both took a short rest here, time will tell if they regret that or not. My take is, that both will not stop very long in Kaltag neither, while Aaron, Mitch and John Baker will most likely stay 4 to 5 hours. Aliy has a fairly substantial lead now. Nothing insurmountable, but there is a bit of a gap now. Temperatures and conditions are next to ideal, about 0F and a slight breeze, enough to cool the dogs down in the noon sun.


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