Day 7 – The Bering Sea

Good Morning Race Fans! GPS Shows Pete and the Team 28 miles from Unalakleet. Pete is still traveling with Mushers Berkowitz and Redingtonm, but is following. All three mushers have almost identical times, and still faster than anyone out there.
Looking at the time from Aliy Zirkle and OUT times of the lead pack, it is apparent that this year’s portage trail is a bit slower than last year. Last year Pete and the Team made the 85 mile stretch in 9 hours and 35 minutes.
Aliy’s time is over 13 hours and the top 5 haven’t all made it to Unalakleet which will put their times over 12 hours as well. Pete is currently in 9th position on the trail, but I see several teams stopped and it will be interesting to see if the group of 3 take a break this close to Unalakleet or push through. I say that because Jeff King was stopped about 20 miles out for a bit.
The gamble of Anderson and Phillips didn’t pay out and they are stopped along the trail.

If Pete and his group don’t stop, this will put them in striking distance of the leaders, but it is still early and there are a bunch of variables. Welcome to another exciting day of mushing, albeit rather early from the time change (love the light, don’t like losing the hour of sleep)

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